SNOW AND ICE MELTERSkull melter growth of magnetite (Fe 3 O 4 ) ☆Skull melter single crystal growth of magnetite (Fe 3 O 4 ) - ulvospinel (Fe 2 TiO 4 ) solid solution membersEulerian approach for multiphase flow simulation in a glass melterWaste Vitrification Melter Throughput Enhancement through Increased Operating Temperature, Waste Management 2005Continuous ice core melter system with discrete sampling for major ion, trace element and stable isotope analyses.Continuous ice core melter system with discrete sampling for major ion, trace element, and stable isotope analysisA development of computer model for simulating the transport phenomena in COREX melter-gasifierVitrification of HLW Produced by Uranium/Molybdenum Fuel Reprocessing in COGEMA's Cold Crucible MelterDevelopment of glasses for the vitrification of high level liquid waste (HLLW) in a joule heated ceramic melter