melting point熔点
melting process熔化过程;熔炼过程
melting temperature解链温度;熔解温度
melting furnace熔解炉,熔窑
melting pot坩埚,熔化锅;镕炉(借指同化许多种族、人物的国家或都市)
melting ice融冰
melting rate[化]熔化速率
melting method熔融法
melting zone熔化带;熔化层
melting time熔化时间;熔断时间
induction melting感应熔化,感应电熔
melting heat[化]熔化热;熔解热
melting operation熔化操作
- Melting snow feeds the reservoirs.
融化的雪给水库提供了水 - The mountain climber could not find many footholds on the melting ice.
登山者在融化的冰上找不到多少立足之处。 - The valley is continuously watered by the melting snow from the mountains.
A 17,000-year glacio-eustatic sea level record: influence of glacial melting rates on the Younger Dryas event and deep-ocean circula...
Derivation of some modern arc magmas by melting of young subducted lithosphere
Size effect on the melting temperature of gold particles
Product differentiation by analysis of DNA melting curves during the polymerase chain reaction
Dehydration Melting of Metabasalt at 8–32 kbar: Implications for Continental Growth and Crust-Mantle Recycling
Glacial refugia: hotspots but not melting pots of genetic diversity.
High-resolution genotyping by amplicon melting ...
Molecular dynamics study of melting and freezing of small Lennard-Jones clusters
Melting muscles: novel H1N1 influenza A associated rhabdomyolysis.
Dislocation-mediated melting in two dimensions