- Along with memories, she came home with several mementoes.
她带了一些纪念品回家,连同她的美好回忆。 - But those who expect their treasured wine mementoes to prolong the warmthlanguor of the summer holidaypast are all too often disappointed.
MementoesMementoesMementoes /Mementoes as Transitional Objects in Human Displacement"Keep your powder dry": Mementoes of 1715Aural Mementoes: Memories of Sri Lankan Migrants in MelbournePilgrim Mementoes from the Holy Land: Production, Iconography, Use, and DistributionBlessing for sale? On the production and distribution of pilgrim mementoes in ByzantiumPilgrimage or ‘anti-pilgrimage’? Uses of mementoes and relics in English and Scottish narratives of travel to Jerusalem, 1596–1632An embodied approach to Second World War storytelling mementoes: Probing beyond the archival into the corporeality of memories of th...