- He fed on the great ideas of his mentor.
他以他导师的伟大思想为支撑。 - The key to mastering any new job is finding the right mentor.
- When they want to learn more, mentor.
The Inventor Mentor
Phases of the mentor relationship.
Perceptions of mentor roles in cross-gender mentoring relationships ☆
The mentor advantage: Perceived career/job experiences of proteges versus non‐proteges
The Mentor's Perspective: A Qualitative Inquiry and Future Research Agenda ☆ ☆☆ ★
The Inventor Mentor: Programming Object-Oriented 3d Graphics with Open Inventor, Release 2
Mentor functions and outcomes: a comparison of men and women in formal and informal mentoring relationships.
Marginal Mentoring: The Effects of Type of Mentor, Quality of Relationship, and Program Design on Work and Career Attitudes
Effects of Race, Gender, Perceived Similarity, and Contact on Mentor Relationships ☆ ☆☆
Easier Said than Done: Gender Differences in Perceived Barriers to Gaining a Mentor