dna methylation甲基化;DNA甲基化
- However, then injecting them with a drug to inhibit methylation seemed to erase any memory of the shock.
DNA methylation patterns and epigenetic memory
Methylation of histone H3 lysine 9 creates a binding site for HP1 proteins.
Methylation-specific PCR: a novel PCR assay for methylation status of CpG islands.
Bird AP. DNA methylation patterns and epigenetic memory. Genes Dev 16: 6-21
Genome-scale DNA methylation maps of pluripotent and differentiated cells
CpG-rich islands and the function of DNA methylation.
Role of histone H3 lysine 27 methylation in Polycomb-group silencing.
Whole-Genome Analysis of Histone H3 Lysine 4 and Lysine 27 Methylation in Human Embryonic Stem Cells
DNA Methyltransferases Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b Are Essential for De Novo Methylation and Mammalian Development
Clinical Trial Substantiates the Predictive Value of O-6-Methylguanine-DNA Methyltransferase Promoter Methylation in Glioblastoma Pa...