medical microbiology医学微生物学
food microbiology食品微生物学
environmental microbiology环境微生物学
- His research is the lastword in microbiology.
他的研究在微生物学方面达到了登峰造极的地步。 - His work advanced the science of microbiology.
Microbiology and molecular biology
Soil microbiology and biochemistry.
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
Journal of General Microbiology
Introduction to soil microbiology.
Introduction to soil microbiology.
Introduction of Soil Microbiology.
Fluorescent-oligonucleotide probing of whole cells for determinative, phylogenetic, and environmental studies in microbiology.
Generic assignments, strain histories and properties of pure cultures of cyano- bacteria. Journal of General Microbiology 11: 1-61.
The Clinical Significance of Positive Blood Cultures in the 1990s: A Prospective Comprehensive Evaluation of the Microbiology, Epide...