- MID Converter includes a built-in sequencer engine.
- The first thing that jumps into the eye is their new Mid cut sneaker.
跳进眼睛的第一件事是他们新的中间裁减运动鞋。 - We designed ultra high density and high count optical fiber cables, which have good mid span branching characteristics.
Net Exchange of CO2 in a Mid-Latitude Forest.
Childhood asthma and lung function in mid-adult life.
Efficient wireless non-radiative mid-range energy transfer
First mid-infrared spectrum of a faint high-z galaxy: Observations of CFRS 14.1157 with the Infrared Spectrograph on the Spitzer Spa...
The natural history of drug use from adolescence to the mid-thirties in a general population sample.
A method of discriminating between different types of mid-ocean ridge basalts and continental tholeiites with the Nb1bZr1bY diag...
Treatment of Calcific Aortic Stenosis With the Percutaneous Heart Valve : Mid-Term Follow-Up From the Initial Feasibility Studies: T...
Improved Analyses of Changes and Uncertainties in Sea Surface Temperature Measured In Situ since the Mid-Nineteenth Century: The Had...
Extended transthoracic resection compared with limited transhiatal resection for adenocarcinoma of the mid/distal esophagus: five-ye...
C-Reactive Protein, a Sensitive Marker of Inflammation, Predicts Future Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in Initially Healthy Middle-A...