- In middle Chinese, there is not distinct regularity in every meaning.
在整个中古时期,各种用法的发展变化没有明显的规律。 - Jeju Island is Korea's largest island, retains geological features of the Middle Ages.
European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages
European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages
The universities of Europe in the Middle Ages
European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages:
The Commercial Revolution of the Middle Ages, 950–1350
The World of Hesiod: A Study of the Greek Middle Ages. by Andrew Robert Burn
European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages. Translated From the German by Willard R. Trask
Western Attitudes toward Death: From the Middle Ages to the Present by Philippe ARIÈS; Patricia M. Ranum
The Great Divergence in European Wages and Prices from the Middle Ages to the First World War
International osteosarcoma incidence patterns in children and adolescents, middle ages, and elderly persons