Brown-midrib maize (bm1)-
Brown-midrib maize (bm1)--a mutation affecting the cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase gene.
Potential of Brown-Midrib, Low-Lignin Mutants for Improving Forage Quality
Variations in the cell wall composition of maize brown midrib mutants.
Effects of brown midrib 3 mutation in corn silage on dry matter intake and productivity of high yielding dairy cows
A candidate-gene approach to clone the sorghum Brown midrib gene encoding caffeic acid O-methyltransferase.
The YABBY gene DROOPING LEAF regulates carpel specification and midrib development in Oryza sativa.
Effects of brown midrib 3 mutation in corn silage on productivity of dairy cows fed two concentrations of dietary neutral detergent ...
Biological variability in lignification of maize: Expression of the brown midrib bm3 mutation in three maize cultivars
Phenotype, Fiber Composition, and in vitro Dry Matter Disappearance of Chemically Induced Brown Midrib (bmr) Mutants of Sorghum 1