- I know, it would be galling if a raw cowboy island like Australia retained its glittery Continent label while you were downgraded to Midsize Peninsula of Western Asia.
How midsize companies are buying ERP
ERP Adoption by European Midsize Companies
ERP selection process in midsize and large organizations
Enterprise resource planning: ERP adoption by European midsize companies
Enterprise resource planning: ERP adoption by European midsize companies
Implementing enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems in small and midsize manufacturing firms
Journey‐to‐Work Patterns in the Age of Sprawl: Evidence from Two Midsize Southern Metropolitan Areas
Economic consequences of control programs for paratuberculosis in midsize dairy farms in the United States.
The relationship between workplace learning and job satisfaction in U.S. small to midsize businesses
Plasma, plumes and rings: Saturn system dynamics as recorded in global color patterns on its midsize icy satellites