Minimally modified low density lipoprotein stimulates monocyte endothelial interactionsMinimally interrupted cardiac resuscitation by emergency medical services for out-of-hospital cardiac arrestComparison of the minimally important difference for two health state utility measures: EQ-5D and SF-6DMinimally modified low density lipoprotein induces monocyte chemotactic protein 1 in human endothelial cells and smooth muscle cellsEffect of indomethacin on local cerebral blood flow in awake, minimally restrained ratsInfluence of nitrous oxide on local cerebral blood flow in awake, minimally restrained rats.Recommended methods for determining responsiveness and minimally important differences for patient-reported outcomes.Combining distribution- and anchor-based approaches to determine minimally important differences: the FACIT experience.Structural identification by mass spectrometry of oxidized phospholipids in minimally oxidized low density lipoprotein that induce m...Protective effect of high density lipoprotein associated paraoxonase. Inhibition of the biological activity of minimally oxidized lo...