- He stepped a minuet gravely and gracefully.
他的小步舞跳得庄重而优美。 - Mozart found his calling at age five composing his first minuet.
CDC minuet field pea.
The Faculty Senate Minuet.
Minuet: a scalable distributed multiversion B-tree
Minuet: a scalable distributed multiversion B-tree
The Last Minuet: Disparate Treatment after Hicks
The Unconventional Dance Minuet: Choreographies of the Menuet d'Exaudet
Live organ donors and informed consent. A difficult minuet.
Insights from a Nanoparticle Minuet: Two-Dimensional Membrane Profiling through Silver Plasmon Ruler Tracking
Patterns of expressive timing in performances of a Beethoven minuet by nineteen famous pianists
Effectiveness of nurse delivered endoscopy: findings from randomised multi-institution nurse endoscopy trial (MINuET)