Uniocular miotic therapy.Membranes in the miotic apparatus of barley cellsTHE FREQUENCY OF CATARACT AFTER MIOTIC THERAPYInlfuence of high-viscosity vehicles on miotic effect of pilocarpine.The Effect of Phenylephrine Hydrochloride on the Miotic-Treated Eye *Effect of poloxamer 407 gel on the miotic activity of pilocarpine nitrate in rabbitsDisposition and miotic effects of oral alfentanil: a potential noninvasive probe for first-pass cytochrome P4503A activity.RDH54, a RAD54 homologue in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is required for miotic diploid-specificRole of hepatic and intestinal cytochrome P450 3A and 2B6 in the metabolism, disposition, and miotic effects of methadoneStudies on the relationship between chemical constitution and physiological action: Part II. The miotic activity of urethanes derive...