Deeds and misdeeds of cement composites in waste managementThe commitment of delinquents to their misdeeds: A re-examinationB-cell activation and HIV-1 infection: Deeds and misdeedsThe Commitment of Delinquents to Their Misdeeds: Do Delinquents Drift?Accounts of professional misdeeds: the sexual exploitation of clients by psychotherapists.Good Deeds and Misdeeds: A Mediated Model of the Effect of Corporate Social Performance on Organizational AttractivenessMaternal Attributions of Taiwanese and American Toddlers' Misdeeds and Accomplishments.The Political Economy of the World Bank's Discourse : from Economic Catechism to Missionary Deeds (and Misdeeds)When values and attributions collide: liberals' and conservatives' values motivate attributions for alleged misdeeds.The 'P' Word in the Book Business: 'Newspapers Constantly Editorialize about Other Professionals Hiding Their Misdeeds, but with Thi...