- Mnemonics is important in learning English.
记忆术对学英语很重要。 - According to mnemonics, people often forget unless they review from time to time.
Systematic review of handoff mnemonics literature
Histone acetylation: molecular mnemonics on the chromatin
Imagery mnemonics for the rehabilitation of memory: A randomised group controlled trial
Associations to odors: interference, mnemonics, and verbal labeling
The Use of Verbal and Imagery Mnemonics in Second-Language Vocabulary Learning
The effects of training specific mnemonics on the metamnemonic efficiency of retarded children.
Keyword Mnemonics Versus Rote Rehearsal: Learning Concrete and Abstract Foreign Words by Experienced and Inexperienced Learners
Presenting Figurative Idioms with a Touch of Etymology: More than Mere Mnemonics?.
Eyewitness memory enhancement in the police interview: cognitive retrieval mnemonics versus hypnosis.
Back to basics: a componential analysis of the original cognitive interview mnemonics with three age groups