Moccasins and footwearWalk a mile in the moccasins of people with haemophiliaMoccasins and 'Respect': Writing Practices during Media Coverage of the Moe StoryMany ways to walk a mile in another's moccasinsA mile in moccasins: how situational experience diminishes dispositionism in social inferenceNew Moccasins: Articulating Research Approaches through Interviews with Faculty and Staff at Native and Non-Native Academic Institut...A synopsis of the American forms of Agkistrodon (copperheads and moccasins)Brace for infant footwear, namely, socks, soft shoes, booties and/or moccasinsExploratory Behavior in Prairie Rattlesnakes ( Crotalus Viridis ) and Water Moccasins ( Agkistrodon Piscivorus )A comparative study of the biological activities of venoms from snakes of the genus Agkistrodon (moccasins and copperheads).