App monetisation应用货币化
debt monetisation债务货币化
OEM monetisation手机厂的营收之道
monetisation of fringe benefits附带福利酬金化
Mobile VR Discovery and Monetisation移动VR探索及变现
Ruffer October Letter: Investing in a World Full of DistortionsThe monetisation of Japan's government debtCoinage Act of 1965Coinage Act of 1965Budget 2017-18: Utterly ordinary*Budget 2017-18: Blinded by neoliberalism*The monetisation of : Changing patterns of welfare politics and provision in RussiaDe-monetisation, inflation and coffee: the demand for money in UgandaMoney Demand in Post-Crisis Russia: De-Dollarisation and Re-MonetisationFrom altruism to monetisation: Australian women's ideas about money, ethics and research eggs.