- In monogamy, a single male pairs with a single female.
在一夫一妻制下,一个男性只能和一个女性配对。 - The feudalistic monogamy is realized in the farmer’s family.
Probability of HIV-1 transmission per coital act in monogamous, heterosexual, HIV-1-discordant couples in Rakai, Uganda.
Monogamy in mammals.
Monogamy in mammals
A role for central vasopressin in pair bonding in monogamous prairie voles
Female-Biased Dispersal in the Monogamous Mammal Crocidura russula: Evidence from Field Data and Microsatellite Patterns
Female-Biased Philopatry, Monogamy, and the Timing of Pair Formation in Migratory Waterfowl
Oxytocin Receptor Distribution Reflects Social Organization in Monogamous and Polygamous Voles
Female choice selects for male sexual tail ornaments in the monogamous swallow
Physiological substrates of mammalian monogamy: the prairie vole model.
Ancestral Monogamy Shows Kin Selection Is Key to the Evolution of Eusociality