- The set of bath towels you personally monogrammed for us is beautiful.
Monogram-making machineGarment monogramDisplay device employing special-purpose monogramsDisplay device employing special purpose monogramsA monogram relating Po2, pH, temperature, and hemoglobin saturation in the dog. SAM-TR-65-39Monogramous mating and conventional sex roles in Hippichthys penicillus (Syngnathidae) under laboratory conditionsComparative costs of promiscuity and monogramy: A test of reproductive effort theoryPhylogenetic Placement of Rheopteris and the Polyphyly of Monogramma (Pteridaceae s.l.): Evidence from rbcL Sequence DataAssessment of the facial features and chin development of fetuses with use of serial three-dimensional sonography and the mandibular...The status and conservation of the bears of the world. International Conference on Bear Research and Management Monogram Series No...