Economic and legal aspects of the Most-Favored-Nation clauseINTERNATIONAL TRADE BARGAINING AND THE MOST-FAVORED-NATION CLAUSE *Tariffs and the Most-Favored-Nation ClauseThe Use of "Most-Favored-Nation"Clauses in Settlement of LitigationBilateral Treaties and The Most-Favored-Nation Clause: The Myth of Trade Liberalization in the Nineteenth Century“Tied to the Mast”: Most-Favored-Nation Clauses in Settlement ContractsThe most-favored-nation pricing policy and negotiated pricesExploiting Future Settlements: A Signalling Model of Most-Favored-Nation Clauses in Settlement BargainingClearing a Path Through a Tangled Jurisprudence: Most-Favored-Nation Clauses and Dispute Settlement Provisions in Bilateral Investme...What do {open_quotes}facilitating practices{close_quotes} facilitate? An empirical investigation of most-favored-nation clauses in n...