- Mottled pink and brown areas are a combination of the cosmic dust and reddish emission from ionized hydrogen gas.
Patch selection by mottled sculpin (Pisces: Cottidae) in a southern Appalachian stream
Restricted movement by mottled sculpin (pisces: cottidae) in a southern Appalachian stream
Primary defect in copper transport underlies mottled mutants in the mouse
Round Goby and Mottled Sculpin Predation on Lake Trout Eggs and Fry: Field Predictions from Laboratory Experiments
The genetic basis of epidermolysis bullosa simplex with mottled pigmentation.
Seasonal influence of brook trout and mottled sculpin on lower trophic levels in an Appalachian stream
Infection of mottled stripe disease‐susceptible and resistant sugar cane varieties by the endophytic diazotroph Herbaspirilium
Recruitment Failure of Mottled Sculpin Cottus bairdi in Calumet Harbor, Southern Lake Michigan, Induced by the Newly Introduced Rou...
Behavioral Interactions Between Round Gobies ( Neogobius melanostomus ) and Mottled Sculpins ( Cottus bairdi )
Molecular population genetics, phylogeography, and conservation biology of the mottled duck (Anas fulvigula)