Specific draught for mouldboard plough, chisel plough and disc harrow at different water contents
Long-term experiments with different depths of mouldboard ploughing in Sweden
Modelling vertical and lateral weed seed movements during mouldboard ploughing with a skim-coulter
Implementation of chiselling and mouldboard ploughing in soil after 8 years of no-till management in SW, Spain: Effect on soil quality
Temporal variability of soil macroporosity in a fine sandy loam under mouldboard ploughing and direct drilling
Identification of important factors in the process of tillage erosion: the case of mouldboard tillage
The role of clay, organic carbon and long‐term management on mouldboard plough draught measured on the Broadbalk wheat experiment a...
Simulating long-term soil redistribution generated by different patterns of mouldboard ploughing in landscapes of complex topography
Losses of nitrate‐nitrogen in water draining from under autumn‐sown crops established by direct drilling or mouldboard ploughing