用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- ascend mountain登山
- climb mountain登山
- conquer a mountain征服一座山
- cross a mountain翻过一座山
- forest a mountain在山上植满树
- go down a mountain下山
- make a mountain out of a molehill小题大做
- remove mountains排山倒海
- scale a mountain登山
- ski down the mountain滑雪下山
形容词+~- bare mountain光秃秃的山
- barren mountain荒芜的山
- block mountain断块山
- bleak mountain荒山
- foldedmountain层峦叠嶂
- forested mountain森林覆盖的山
- heaven-kissing mountain高耸入云的大山
- highest mountain最高的山
- huge mountain大山
- imposing mountain雄伟的高山
- lofty mountain高山
- massive mountain大山
- rocky mountain多岩石的山
- rolling mountains大浪滔天,起伏的山脉
- rugged mountain多岩石的山
- snow-capped mountain有雪冠的群山
- snow-covered mountain白雪覆盖的群山
- steep mountain陡峭的山
- timbered mountain长满树木的山
- undulating mountains起伏的山峦
- volcanic mountains火山
~+名词- mountain chain山脉
- mountain climber爬山运动员
- mountain range山脉
- the M- State山州(蒙大拿州和西弗吉尼亚州的别名)
- the M- time美国中西部(洛基山脉诸州)标准时间
- mountain torrent山洪
- mountain village山村
介词+~- among mountains山间
- at the foot of the mountain在山脚下
- in the mountain在山间,在山里
- on the mountain在山上
mountain area山区
high mountain高山;高山青
mountain range山脉
mountain climbing爬山;登山
mountain road山区道路
remove mountains移山倒海,创造奇迹
mountain bike n. 山地车;山地自行车
mountain pass隘口,山口
move mountains移动山脉;竭尽全力;创造奇迹
brokeback mountain断背山;断臂山
mountain view山景城(美国加州)
mountain stream山林小溪,山涧;高山流水
stone mountain斯通山(美国佐治亚州西北部山)
rocky mountain落基山(脉);洛矶山(脉)
holy mountain魂山,圣山
mountain valley山谷
lushan mountain庐山(位于江西)
blue mountain蓝山咖啡
mountain ridge山岭;山脊;山梁
mountain villa山庄别墅
hill, volcano, mountain, range, mount, peak
mount 常用于地名之前, 即一般放在专用名词前,书面用词。
- I have a mountain of work to do.
我有一大堆工作要做。 - The mountain is 3500 meters high.
这座山有3500米高。 - The mountain tops are covered with snow.
白雪覆盖着山顶。 - This mountain runs from east to west.
这是一座东西走向的山脉。 - Plains, plateaus, and mountain ranges are major landforms.
平原、高原和山脉都是主要的地形。 - He nearly died of exposure on the cold mountain.
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