- Their move does not preclude others from investing.
他们这一行动并不影响其他人进行投资。 - They are pressing ahead with a winter work project.
他们正在加紧进行一项冬季工程。 - I think we need to move things on a bit.
我认为我们应该使情况略有所进展。 - Things are going ahead smoothly.
Move ahead
Move Ahead
Move Ahead
Move Ahead Plus: Grammar Practice Book
Volume and outcome--it is time to move ahead
Nutrition and brain aging: how can we move ahead?
Volume and Outcome — It Is Time to Move Ahead — NEJM
What is clinical social work? looking back to move ahead
Genome research. Plans for Tunisian institute move ahead.
A Look Back to Move Ahead: New Directions for Research on Proactive Performance and Other Discretionary Work Behaviours
What is clinical social work? Looking back to move ahead. Clinical Social Work Journal, 24(1), 89-104
Let us move ahead together: Commentary on "Empirically supported treatments in psychology: Implications for Canadian professional ps...
Being hopeful and continuing to move ahead: religious coping in Iranian chemical warfare poisoned veterans, a qualitative study.