- The offspring produced at one birth by a multiparous mammal.
MultiparousmultiparousMultiparous species present problems (and possibilities) to developmentalistsFetal growth retardation in infants of multiparous and nulliparous women with preeclampsiaInfluence of high ambient temperatures on performance of multiparous lactating sowsPrinciples and pitfalls in the analysis of prenatal treatment effects in multiparous species.The relationships between age, numbers of ocytes and fertility in virgin and multiparous miceDifferences between primiparous and multiparous dairy cows in the inter-relationships between metabolic traits, milk yield and body ...A randomized controlled trial oftransfusion-related acute lung injury: is plasma from multiparous blood donors dangerous?Diets during far-off and close-up dry periods affect periparturient metabolism and lactation in multiparous cows.