- Multiplier and multiplicand were distinguished on multiplications with different coding methods.
Common-multiplicand multiplication and its applications to public key cryptography
Fast Algorithms for Common-Multiplicand Multiplication and Exponentiation by Performing Complements
A common-multiplicand method to the montgomery algorithm for speeding up exponentiation
Improved generalisation common-multiplicand multiplications algorithm of Yen and Laih
Improved Common-Multiplicand Multiplication and Fast Exponentiation by Exponent Decomposition
Fast Algorithms for Common-Multiplicands Multiplication and Exponentiation by Performing Complements
Improved generalization common-multiplicand multiplications algorithm of Yen and Laih
An efficient common-multiplicand-multiplication method to the Montgomery algorithm for speeding up exponentiation
High-performance modular exponentiation algorithm by using a new modified modular multiplication algorithm and common-multiplicand-m...