Kolokacije - teorijska razmatranja i primjena u praksi na primjerima iz hrvatskoga i njemačkoga jezika( Collocations in the Croatia...MURICATE WEATHERINGMuricate weatheringMuricate weatheringMuricate weatheringSuccessive extinctions of muricate planktonic foraminifera (Morozovelloides and Acarinina) as a candidate for marking the base Priab...Pengaruh ekstrak daun sirsak (annona muricate) terhadap junlah leukosit dan hitung jenis leukosit pada tikus putih (rattus norvegicus)Tingkat toksitas ekstrak daun sirsak (annona muricate linn) terhadap mortalitas belalang (oxya velok)SALT WEATHERINGSalt weatheringWeathering and erosion, chemicalWEATHERING AND EROSION, CHEMICALWeathering and erosion, chemical