- A pond filled with corpses in a suburb in Nanking.
南京市郊一个泡满死尸的水塘。 - On April 21, the Communists landed at Kiukiang midway between Nanking and Hankow.
南菁南静南晶南京南晶南静 The Nanking Provisional Government and the Times : The controversy between Sung Chiao-Jen and Hu Han-minTissue culture propagation of Mongolian cherry ( Prunus fruticosa ) and Nanking cherry ( Prunus tomentosa )BRACHIOPODS OF THE KUHFENG FORMATION IN SOUTH ANHUI AND NANKING HILLSTissue culture propagation of Mongolian cherry (Prunus fruticosa L.) and Nanking cherry (Prunus Tomentosa L.)A NEW MIOCENE CRICETODONT RODENT OF FANGSHAN, NANKINGThe Transformation of Nanking, 1350-1400PERMIAN OSTRACODS FROM THE CHIHSIA LIMESTONE OF LUNGTAN, NANKINGNanking: Anatomy of an AtrocityNanking: Anatomy of an Atrocity