Reproduction and Behavior of the African Banana Bat, Pipistrellus nanusSome Behavioral Aspects of Forest Buffalo (Syncerus caffer nanus): From Herd to IndividualPollinator Limitation in the Facultatively Autogamous Annual, Lupinus nanus (Leguminosae)Genetics of Lupinus. V. Intraspecific Variability for Reproductive Traits in Lupinus nanusFlea infestation does not cause a long-term increase in energy metabolism in Gerbillus nanus.Divergent lineage of a novel hantavirus in the banana pipistrelle (Neoromicia nanus) in Côte d'IvoireRoosting, Social Organization and the Annual Cycle in a Kenya Population of the Bat Pipistrellus nanusThe density-dependent formation of extended maternal families of the montane vole, Microtus montanus nanusBanksia Pollen as a Source of Protein in the Diet of Two Australian Marsupials Cercartetus nanus and Tarsipes rostratusVisionary leadership: Creating a compelling sense of direction for your organization : Burt Nanus. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1992...