Crowder Naoma名称
Naoma Crowder标签
Naoma Raper标签
Naoma Upham Scott斯科特
Review method and review deviceMeasurements of Variable-Shaped Electron Beams with Solid-State Detector and Scattering ApertureSurface observation apparatus and surface observation methodMechanisms for the attracting acoustic radiation force on a rigid sphere placed freely in a spherical sound fieldTHE EFFECT OF GLACIAL RETREAT ON FJORD DEPOSITIONAL REGIMES, TAAN FIORD, ICY BAY, ALASKAFAULT GEOMETRIES AND GLACIAL CONDUITS IN ICY BAY, ALASKACharged particle beam apparatusStudy of void observation technique using scanning electron microscopyMechanism of genenation of the negative acoustic radiation pressure on a rigid sphere placed freely in a spherical sound fieldCharacterization of protein binding to the psbAII promoter region in Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7942 and its role in light regulat...