About the narcoses in dog in the 19 th century.[Intubation narcoses in infancy and childhood.][200 narcoses with hydroxydione in a regional hospital.][Tonometry at different narcoses in horses]. [German]Rorschach Studies During Sodium Amytal Narcoses. (Abstract)Intravenous short narcoses in geriatric patients, A comparative study of etomidate with various analgesics[Short-term narcoses with propanidid (Epontol) in urologic operations with special reference to pediatric urology].[CT 1341 in surgical otorhinolaryngologic practice. Study of 128 narcoses]Pour une clinique psychanalytique des toxicomanies [microform] : les narcoses du désir /Doctor or technical assistant? On the history of sharing of nursing personals for the implementation of narcoses in the Federal Repu...