Nargile smoking keeps Arabs in WonderlandNargile (Hubble‐Bubble) smoking‐induced hand eczemaNargile - oriental tobacco water pipe for smoking cured tobaccosEffect of female nargile smoking on in vitro fertilization outcome.Tütün mücadelesi için yeni bir tehdit: aromatik nargilePortrayal of waterpipe (shisha, hookah, nargile) smoking on Twitter: a qualitative exploration.Authors’ reponse: nargile smoking and its effect on in vitro fertilization: a critical eye on the available literature[Research of the air environment in cafes and restaurants, where a nargile is smoked].Time to Smell the Sweet Smoke: Fantasy Themes and Rhetorical Vision in Nargile Cafe CulturesAy Işığında Tütün Seremonisi - Osmanlı Kırsalında Tütün Kullanımının Kanıtları: Aziz Nikolaos Kilisesi Kazıları L...