- Our government chastised the behaviors of NATO.
我国政府强烈谴责了北约的行为。 - People all over the world are filled with indignation with the ferocity of NATO.
全世界的人们都对北约的暴行感到义愤填膺。 - Our Embassy was devastated by three bombs of NATO.
我们的使馆被北约的三枚炸弹炸毁了。 - Hasn't NATO slaked his lust for blood?
NATO, Cooperação internacional e o Combate ao Terrorismo
Report on a conference sponsored by the NATO Science Committee
Advances in laser spectroscopy. NATO Advanced Science Institutes series B, vol. 95
Intervention & Revolution, Interview with Gregory Sholette and Nato Thompson.
The origin of stars and planetary systems. Proceedings of the NATO ASI, Crete, Greece, May 24–June 5, 1998
Book-Review - the Structure and Evolution of Normal Galaxies - NATO Advanced Study Institute Held in Cambridge 1980AUG
Approaches to Enhancing Cyber Resilience: Report of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Workshop IST-153
Software Engineering: Report of a conference sponsored by the NATO Science Committee, Garmisch, Germany, 7-11 Oct. 1968, Brussels, S...
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). НАТО (Организация Североатлантического договор...
Software Engineering Techniques: Report of a conference sponsored by the NATO Science Committee, Rome, Italy, 27-31 Oct. 1969, Bruss...