Some Observations on Nematoidea Imperfecta, and Descriptions of Three Parasitic InfusoriæVI.âOn the presence of certain secreting organs in NematoideaXIX.âOn the formation of the egg and fertilization in the NematoideaRevision of Hedruris Nitzsch (Nematoda: Habronematoidea) from aquatic vertebrates of North America.Free-living nematodes from nature reserves in Costa Rica. 5. Bunonematoidea (Rhabditida).Nematodes of freshwater fishes from North Vietnam. Part 1. Camallanoidea and Habronematoidea.Migration and development of swim-bladder nematodes, Cystidicola spp. (Habronematoidea), in their definitive hostsThe reinstatement of the name Ulva nematoidea Bory de Saint-Vincent (Chlorophyta) and the placement of U. costata (Howe) Hollenberg ...Nuovo verme intestinal umano (Agchylostoma duodenale) constituente un sesto genere dei nematoidea propri dell'uomoNEMATODE PARASITES OF FISHES OF THE PARANA RIVER, BRAZIL .2. SEURATOIDEA, ASCARIDOIDEA, HABRONEMATOIDEA AND ACUARIOIDEA