The Hesychasts taughtdoctrines whichcould betracedtoDionysius the Areopagite andNeoplatonist,thought.
IntheSocraticdialogues, in Xenophon, Hippocrates,andintheNeoplatonisttraditionfrom Albinus on, one hadtobeconcerned withoneself.
Homer the Theologian: Neoplatonist Allegorical Reading and the Growth of the Epic TraditionHomer the Theologian:Neoplatonist Allegorical Reading and the Growth of the Epic TraditionDionysius the Areopagite and the Neoplatonist Tradition: Despoiling the Hellenes by Sarah Klitenic Wear; John DillonDionysius the Areopagite and the Neoplatonist tradition : despoiling the HellenesDionysius the Areopagite and the Neoplatonist Tradition: Despoiling the Hellenes. By Sarah Klitenic Wear and John Dillon.Robert Lamberton, Homer the Theologian. Neoplatonist Allegorical Reading and the Growth of the Epic TraditionIbn Ḥasdāy's Neoplatonist. A Neoplatonic Treatise and Its Influence on Isaac Israeli and the Longer Version of the Theology of Ari...The Neoplatonist Interpretation of Plato: Remarks on its Decisive CharacteristicsThe Anatomy of a Neoplatonist Metaphysical ProofOrigen the Christian Middle/Neoplatonist: New Arguments for a Possible Identification