- A health worker immunizes an infant in Nepal.
医疗工作者在尼泊尔为婴儿注射预防针。 - From Bombay we made a long leg to Nepal.
GPS measurements of present-day convergence across the Nepal Himalaya
Efficacy of vitamin A in reducing preschool child mortality in Nepal
Farmer education and farm efficiency in Nepal: The role of schooling, extension services, and cognitive skills
Late Miocene environmental change in Nepal and the northern Indian subcontinent: Stable isotopic evidence from paleosols
Precipitation fluctuations in the Nepal Himalaya and its vicinity and relationship with some large scale climatological parameters
Active folding of fluvial terraces across the Siwaliks Hills, Himalayas of central Nepal
Collective Action, Property Rights and Decentralization in Resource Use in India and Nepal
Rates of hepatitis E virus infection and disease among adolescents and adults in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Maximum Temperature Trends in the Himalaya and Its Vicinity: An Analysis Based on Temperature Records from Nepal for the Period 1971...
Effect of routine prophylactic supplementation with iron and folic acid on preschool child mortality in southern Nepal: community-ba...