柯林斯Cobuild词频 • 0星词汇 ☆☆☆☆☆词汇表

柯林斯Cobuild词频 • 0星词汇 ☆☆☆☆☆词汇表
sprayer greatcoat hallucinogen warpath manservant city slicker droll ectopic digress divergent instructional arteriosclerosis forenoon assumed name starry luxury goods jawbone horticulture lopsided lowbrow cross-current snazzy arc light rabble-rouser house plant pay-per-view drowse pugnacious admissible apotheosis well-founded platitude approachable smoked skittle overachieve webbed meat grinder fourth of july underbelly command post spoonerism kindle parcel bomb rapturous class-conscious berber alimentary canal proverb payback jerry-built high-spirited dirt-cheap bear market unionization polyunsaturate gravy boat undermanned spiv room service litigate hairnet bullfighting ignominy beauty parlour bellyache FAQ phosphorescent conflate rhubarb impugn warehousing chorister hard-wired burlesque singe eurobond suet ageless shindig gangsta plant pot write-in impudent safety valve helmsman muffled prefecture big dipper gist armband foredeck entente circulatory pliable phoney war myopia stable lad faecal demur beseech tarpaulin flexitime gimme travail cant proclivity record-breaker cold snap bottleneck misremember jiggery-pokery sense of direction congestive vascular glen drove needlework condensed milk conceited predispose defame solidify burlap square-rigged balletic held fistful fog bank stage whisper cygnet cheetah dross justly displaced person milling parking ticket bristling metalanguage well-behaved agitator incomparably dugout fiduciary pally tuneful self-will knockabout declaim anomalous foundling loam metalled aide-memoire avarice oversimplify whooping cough antacid retune manicurist placebo effect ingratitude missus cold store upcountry integrated circuit washout octogenarian ascending bathhouse rapacious tut rustling holdout maladministration busload tinfoil impoverishment nostrum peddler groundwater cormorant martyrdom Yuletide wend unpunished God-awful resinous sirloin exfoliate roomy groundnut heraldic futurist GBH licensee pentathlon razz origami codpiece sea power rumination newlywed linseed oil southbound narrow-minded scraggly dally dietetic object lesson upstate coitus despicable deuce tigress isthmus oligarchy paranoiac solid-state invocation course work pet name understaffed moonbeam potash theocratic westernization gruff shelf life general knowledge vermouth boarding caregiver skit lean-to petroleum jelly coachman postal order frame-up elitism pianola swampy humdinger Technicolor hand-to-mouth chain gang dimwit crux misinformation fag end