
anchorage device anchorage by bond anchorage bond stress anchor wall anchor tie anchor rod anchor plate anchor pile anchor nut anchor male cone anchor ice anchor device anchor cone anchor bolt anchor block anchor bearing plate anchor analytic method analysis table analysis of water analysis of trusses analysis of truss joints analysis of structures analysis of sections analysis by successive approximations analysis analyser amusement park amusement center amplitude of vibration amplitude of stress amplitude of ground motion amplitude amplification amphitheater amphibious site amphibious shovel ampere amount of rainfall amount of precipitation amount of evaporation amount amortization amorphous structure amorphous materials ammonia amenities amendment ambient temperature ambient noise ambient medium ambient conditions ambient air ambetti amber aluminous sand aluminous fire brick aluminizing aluminized coating aluminium trim aluminium powder aluminium paint aluminium foil aluminium coated sheet steel aluminium coated fabric aluminium alloys aluminium alloy plate aluminium alumina cement alumina altitude valve altitude alternating stresses alternating stress cycle alternating loading alternating load test alternating load alternating bending test alternate strength alternate design alternate depths alternate bending strength alternate bay construction alteration work alteration alluvial deposit alloy steel alloy allowance allowable stresses method allowable stress design allowable stress allowable pressure allowable preressure allowable pile bearing load allowable noise level allowable load allowable error allowable bearing value allowable bearing pressure alligatoring alligator wrench alligator shears alley allege all wood construction all welded steel structure all veneer construction all socket cross all purpose room all purpose road all purpose insulation all purpose excavator all position electrode all outside air system all metal construction all metal building all in aggregate all glass facade all flanged tee all concrete frame all brick building all air system all air heat pump alkyd paint alkaliproof paint alkaline soil alkali resistant glass fiber alkali resistance alkali discoloration alkali aggregate expansion alignment aligning alarming apparatus alarm system alabaster aisle airview airstrip airslide conveyor airport facilities airless spraying airless spray unit airborne noise air winch air water heat pump air volume control air voids air vessel air ventilator air trowel air treatment air tool air to water system air to water heat exchanger air to air system air to air heat recovery unit air tight test air tight seal air tight door air tight construction air tight concrete air throw air test air temperature air tamper air supported structure air supply system air supply plant air supply grille air supply air space ratio air setting refractory mortar air setting refractory cement air sampling air riveting hammer air resistance air requirement air register air receiver air purifier air purification air pressure air preheater air pollution control air placing machine air placer air placed concrete air pipe line air permeability factor air output air outlet air mortar air monitoring air lock air lift pump air lift air leakage factor air leakage air jacket air intake shaft air insulation air inlet air inflow air infiltration air hydraulic jack air humidity air humidifier air humidification air hoist air heating air heater air hardening of cement air hardening mortar air handling unit air hammer air gap air free concrete air flow switch air flow meter air flow air float air filtration air filter air exhaust opening air exhaust air entrainment test air entrainment air entraining cement air entraining admixture air entrained concrete air entrained agent air duct air drying air drill hammer air dried lumber air drain air draft air door air distribution air discharge grille air digger air diffusion aeration air diffusion air diffuser air detraining admixture air demand air dehumidification air damper air curtain