alumina powder n. 氧化铝粉;铝土粉
alumina ceramics氧化铝陶瓷;高铝陶瓷
fused alumina[化]熔融氧化铝
activated alumina活性氧化铝
alumina fiber氧化铝纤维
alumina cement n. 高铝水泥;快干水泥;矾土水泥
calcined alumina煅烧氧化铝
high alumina cement高铝水泥
alumina brick矾土砖;高铝砖
- A new type of alumina ceramic passed this test.
一种新型氧化铝管通过了这个测试。 - However, the alumina layers spall as the temperature increases.
Gelcasting of Alumina
Self-ordering Regimes of Porous Alumina: The 10 Porosity Rule
Highly ordered nanochannel-array architecture in anodic alumina
Self-organized formation of hexagonal pore arrays in anodic alumina
Fast Fabrication of Long-Range Ordered Porous Alumina Membranes by Hard Anodization
Fabrication of Gold Nanodot Array Using Anodic Porous Alumina as an Evaporation Mask
Single-wall carbon nanotubes as attractive toughening agents in alumina-based nanocomposites
Ordered Metal Nanohole Arrays Made by a Two-Step Replication of Honeycomb Structures of Anodic Alumina
Ordercd metal nanoliole arrays madc by a two-step replication of honeycomb structures of anodic alumina
Hexagonal pore arrays with a 50–420 nm interpore distance formed by self-organization in anodic alumina