Word Menu词汇表

Word Menu词汇表
extrados entasis entablature echinus cymatium cyma crossette crenellation chapiter bezant barrel vault ballflower baldacchino annulet amphistylar Tudor Romanesque Norman neoclassical moorish Georgian colonial churrigueresque brutalism walky-talky transceiver recording studio shortwave radiotelegraphic radiophone power plug megahertz kilohertz FM equalization CW clock radio CB boom box airwave VOA voice of america usia topless talk radio program director NPR listener listening call letters call-in vtr videocassette VCR ultrahigh ultrahigh frequency UHF TV set test pattern television receiver televise teletext teleprompter scan line remote control rain portapak picture tube on the air minicam luminance lavaliere horizontal bar high-definition headset HDTV flicker flagging fidelity cue card colorcast closed circuit chrominance camcorder brightness blip black-and-white airwaves antenna wrap-up public affairs play-by-play open-ended nonevent newscast newsbreak reporting hold for equal CNN anchorwoman anchorman viewing viewer TV telly television station telethon teleplay telecast talk-show talk show superstation subscription television stv station break stand by sportscaster sportscast sound bite soap simulcast situation comedy sitcom sign off rerun recur reality show quiz show prime time prerecord preempt PBS pay-per-view paid noncommercial NBC narrowcast mass communication makeover kidvid instant replay infotainment infomercial idiot box guest game show FCC fairness episodic Emmy docudrama counterprogram television CBS laughter cable television broadcasting BBC announcer announcement airtime affiliate across-the-board toon supporting actress subtitle starlet sound stage sound effect sneak preview Silver screen script girl screen test screenplay projection booth postproduction picture show picture palace persistence opening credits Oscar moving picture nickelodeon movie theater movie motion picture low-budget love interest log line indie in-between first run feature film featured executive producer dubbing coming colorize clapper boards cinematic cinematheque cinema cineaste casting director cameraman boffo below the line bankable background music backlot auteur associate director assistant director assistant cameraman art house Academy Awards above the line wipe wide-screen two-shot trucking tracking shot telecine Technicolor synchronize sweetening time-lapse photography special effects stereoscope rough out retake reaction shot outtake offscreen movieola moviola montage long shot locked klieg intercut inky FX footage film clip fast motion fade out fade-in establishing shot