Word Menu词汇表

Word Menu词汇表
fettle engobe enamelware earthenware dunt crackleware bone china blunge bloat ware belleek basalt aventurine argil agateware underexposure time exposure strobe solarization snoot snapshot shutterbug safelight paparazzo panchromatic overexposure orthochromatic microfilm light meter halation ground glass flashcube flashbulb exposure meter enlarger enlargement depth of field darkroom color transparency collotype buy out burn in ASA angle of view ambrotype albumen zoom lens wide-angle lens telephoto lens fisheye apochromatic aplanatic anastigmatic viewfinder video camera underwater reflex camera single lens reflex pinhole panoramic camera panoramic folding camera camera obscura box camera autofocus tintype stroboscopic scenic radiography portraiture photocopy microphotograph macrophotography holography fine art ferrotype micrography daguerreotype black and white aerial photography x-height watermark uppercase underlay typography typesetting typeholder optima garamond fraktur English Electra clarendon cheltenham caslon caledonia bodoni baskerville typeface toner swash small capital serif rotogravure rotary press reprography reglet printshop printing press printer's devil pressroom phototypography photo-offset photoengraving photocomposition newsprint multigraph minuscule mimeograph mimeo majuscule lowercase Linotype letterpress italics indent imposition gatefold flexography expanded en descender cylinder press typeset composing stick bond paper boldface ascender zincography woodcut wash drawing tusche tortillon sumi steel engraving silverpoint serigraphy serigraph restrike rag paper printmaking photogravure monotype mezzotint inlay hyalography graphic arts gravure glyptography Fitch etching engraving engrave enchase drypoint decalcomania chalcography brayer bow pen Xerox xerography white space vellum transparency tracing paper surprint stipple signage set square river retouch planography Photostat parallel rule pantograph loupe line art letterspacing justification india ink illustration ichnography compositor hairline graphite french curve fixative felt-tip eraser duotone drawing board overlay Chinese camera lucida calender asymmetry artwork water table setback retrain radiant heating prefabricate overhang orientation monolithic mechanical drawing dry wall drafting double glazing deflection compressive strength compressive stress central heating casement window breast wall board measure voussoir tuscan Triumphal Arch triglyph transept trabeated stringcourse stylobate springer spandrel scotia reticulation plinth pendentive oculus narthex metope intrados impost imbricate groin gopura foliation