Word Menu词汇表

Word Menu词汇表
standing room stage whisper stage right stage fright stage direction stage door stagecraft slapstick sightline showstopper show business scenery run-through routine ring down the curtain repertory repertoire rehearsal protasis proscenium promptbook preparation playbill peripeteia perform peanut gallery parquet circle parados overact opening night obstacle mise en scene matinee loge limelight intermission histrionics ground plan greenroom greasepaint gobo fright forestage footlights epitasis drop scene dress rehearsal dramaturgy drop curtain downstage dimmer dialogue decor cyclorama curtain raiser curtain call cue coulisse break a leg box office blocking blackface backlight backdrop audience anagnorisis ad lib zydeco mazurka work song washboard torch song surf steel band soundtrack soft rock skiffle shantey reggae rockabilly rock-and-roll rock and roll rhythm and blues ragtime punk rock pop music Muzak Motown high life honky-tonk heavy metal hard rock folk music Dixieland cradlesong country-and-western chantey cajan Cajun cabaret bubblegum bossa nova boogie bluegrass big band bebop barrelhouse acid rock house music sight-read sheet music recital pitch pipe philharmonic orchestra musicality improvisation concertmeister concertmaster concert choirmaster chamber orchestra bowing accompanist absolute pitch zarzuela threnetic tenor soprano solfeggio solfege sol-fa recitative recessional processional presa plainsong pasticcio part song oratorio operetta motet monody mezzo-soprano magnificat madrigal lieder libretto gregorian glee club glee fioritura falsetto descant countertenor contralto comic opera chorister chorale choral choirboy chanteuse carol canzonet buffo baritone barcarole aria antiphony anthem alto whole note triple time thirty-second note sixty-fourth note sixteenth sixteenth note semiquaver semibreve quaver quarter rest quarter note moderato lento largo larghetto hemidemisemiquaver half note eighth note duple dotted note demisemiquaver demiquaver courante assai andantino andante allegro allegretto adagio accelerando unison tutti tune triad tremolo treble clef treble third tetrachord tessitura tenuto tacet syncopation supertonic superdominant subtonic submediant subdominant staccato spiccato sostenuto sixth sforzando sempre semplice semitone segue scherzando rubato ritardando reprise rallentando quarter tone progression portamento polyrhythm polyphony poco pizzicato piano pianissimo pentatonic ostinato orchestration obbligato troppo musicology molto minor scale