[Dynamics of ultrastructure changes in sheet plate fiber flax with braking transport assimilate by nitrate-anion]Reinforcement learning algorithms that assimilate and accommodate skills with multiple tasksAssimilate transfer and accumulation with in the maize pedicelJudaism and Five Major Ideas That Assimilate With My Christian World ViewImproving Winter Wheat Yield Estimation from the CERES-Wheat Model to Assimilate Leaf Area Index with Different Assimilation Methods...How children with imperforate assimilate information about hospital care and treatmentAssimilate the auditory scale with wavelet packet filters for multistyle classification of speech under stressLow Grain Set as a Suppression Factor of Potential Yield Relates with Assimilate Supply at Flowering in Heavy Spikelet Rice CultivarsLow Grain Set as a Suppression Factor of Potential Yield Relates with Assimilate Supply at Flowering in Heavy Spikelet Rice CultivarsOn the Possible Aspects Whereby "Wang Yang-ming's Moral Philosophy"and "Natural Moral Law"Assimilate with One Another