Subsoil compaction by vehicles with high axle load—extent, persistence and crop responseGround-borne vibration due to static and dynamic axle loads of InterCity and high-speed trainsSYSTEM AND METHOD FOR CONTROLLING THE AXLE LOAD SPLIT RATIO ON A VEHICLE WITH TWO FRONT AXLESAxle load and tillage effects on soil physical properties and soybean grain yield on a mollic ochraqualf in northwest OhioSystem for detecting axle loadsVehicle axle loads identification using finite element methodSwedish experiments on the persistence of subsoil compaction caused by vehicles with high axle load. SoilExtent and Persistence of Subsoil Compaction Caused by Heavy Axle Loads 1Effect of high axle-load traffic on subsoil compaction and crop yield in humid regions with annual freezingIDENTIFICATION OF VEHICLE AXLE LOADS FROM BRIDGE DYNAMIC RESPONSES