Morphology of the second cervical vertebra and the posterior projection of the C2 pedicle axis.
The Topographic Organization and Axis of Projection within the Visual Sector of the Rabbit's Thalamic Reticular Nucleus
Realtime 3D simulation of 3-axis milling using isometric projection
Role of noradrenergic projections to the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in the regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal...
Projection exposure apparatus having an off-axis alignment system and method of alignment therefor
Improved measurement of fission-track annealing in apatite using c-axis projection
Projection of Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics trajectories onto the normal mode axes: human lysozyme.
Retinotopic axis specificity and selective clustering of feedback projections from V2 to V1 in the owl monkey
Anatomy of C7 lateral mass and projection of pedicle axis on its posterior aspect.