Nominal damagesPunitive and Nominal DamagesStudy on Nominal Damages in Common Law SystemNominal damages for unlawful detention: Bostridge v Oxleas NHS Foundation TrustAttorney’s Fees, Nominal Damages, and Section 1983 LitigationAttorney鈥檚 Fees, Nominal Damages, and Section 1983 LitigationWho Wants Nominal Damages Anyway - The Impact of an Automatic Entitlement to Nominal Damages under 1983Ending Unreasonable Royalties: Why Nominal Damages are Adequate to Compensate Patent Assertion Entities for InfringementRESOLVING THE QUALIFIED IMMUNITY DILEMMA: CONSTITUTIONAL TORT CLAIMS FOR NOMINAL DAMAGESContract Law-Nominal Damages Awarded to Plaintiff for Failure to Meet Commercial Contract Specifications-Diotte V. Consolidated Dev...