Juxtaposed regions of extensive and minimal linkage disequilibrium in human Xq25 and Xq28
Differential control of the phosphorylation state of proline-juxtaposed serine residues Ser725 of Stat5a and Ser730 of Stat5b in pro...
Interdependence of EGFR with PTPs on juxtaposed membranes generates a growth factor sensing and responding network
Serine kinase regulation of proline-juxtaposed serine residues of Stat5a and Stat5b of IL2 responsive human T-cells
Amusement device having juxtaposed video displays
A Multilevel Investigation of Antecedents and Consequences of Team Member Boundary-Spanning Behavior
From representation to persistence: requirements for a sustainable reserve system in the species-rich mediterranean climate deserts ...
Infusion pump, treatment fluid bag therefor, and method for the use thereof
The structure of images
A GAIN in understanding autoproteolytic G protein‐coupled receptors and polycystic kidney disease proteins