nonfictional tradition非虚构传统
nonfictional narration与非虚构叙事
Literature nonfictional prose里称为非小说性散文
Identify and discussaperson,fictionalornonfictional, who has helpedshapecultureandthought.
Portrayalsofsuicide,both fictionalandnonfictional,havebeenblamed for deaths bysuicidefor centuries.
Stephen Owensuggestsinhisresearchinto theChinesepoeticthoughtthat apoeminChineseliterarytraditionis usually presumed to be nonfictional and its statements are taken as strictly true.
Toward a Phenomenology of Nonfictional Film Experience
Nonfictional Narrative in Freud's Dora: History, Scripted History, Conscripted History
Nonfictional courtly epic in the Middle High German-Middle Dutch area: Outline of a 'genus francigenum'. In the light of GLMF IV
V s naipaul as a cultural critic a critical evaluation of his nonfictional works
Valar Morghulis (All Parasocial Men Must Die): Having Nonfictional Responses to a Fictional Character
Screening the Father of Lights: Documentary Film and the Aesthetics of the Nonfictional in Contemporary Religion: A Connective Concept
The Persuasive Effects of Entertainment-Education Programming in Nonfictional Television and Its Impact on the Efficacy of Breast Ca...
The trouble with reporting Northern Ireland : the British state, the broadcast media, and nonfictional representation of the conflict
Categorical recognition vs processing through imagination in fictional (literary) and nonfictional (historiographical) text understa...
The politics and poetics of African American women's identity performances: (Re) reading black hair in fictional /nonfictional writi...