
英 [nɒs'tældʒɪ]
美 [nɒs'tældʒɪ]
  • 释义

    [医] 怀乡病;

  • 学习怎么用


    New York Nostalgy
    Nostalgy of Zadar in the poetry of Liana De Luca
    not Cycle, Nostalgy (新人短編競作)
    "Ludism", nostalgy, identity in the works of Dubravka Ugresić
    Ludism, nostalgy and identity in the works of Dubravka Ugrešić
    Nostalgia de la Certeza (nostalgy of the certainty)
    The last show: Asphodel or the post nostalgy
    Józef Świder — Music of nostalgy — “the law of partiality”
    Ruin Pubs, Retro-Gardens and Nostalgy Terraces (Spaces of Transition)
    Fenomen nostalgije i rizični faktori( Phenomenon of nostalgy and risk factors )