- Conclusion Deformity recurrence results from persistent asthenia of fibular muscles.
AstheniaCachexia-anorexia-astheniaMy asthenia gravis: disease severity and prognosisNEUROCIRCULATORY ASTHENIA (ANXIETY NEUROSIS, EFFORT SYNDROME, NEURASTHENIA)Depression or asthenia related to metabolic disturbances in obese patients after intestinal bypass surgeryNeurocirculatory asthenia, anxiety neurosis, effort syndrome, neurasthenia; a 20 year follow-up study of 173 patientsThe high familial prevalence of neurocirculatory asthenia (anxiety neurosis, effort syndrome).Life situations, emotions, and neurocirculatory asthenia (anxiety neurosis, neurasthenia, effort syndrome)HISTOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF THE ULTRASTRUCTURE OF THE NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION IN MY ASTHENIA GRAVIS AND IN THE MYASTHENIC SYNDROME *Effects of beta-receptor blocking agents propranolol and practolol on ST-T changes in neurocirculatory asthenia.